Sunday 17 August 2014



Read the diary entry below and then answer the questions that follow:

                                           Saterday 20 November 2011

Dear Diary

I feel so embarrased! Me and my girlfriend went to the Mall this afternoon cos
we were gonna watch a movie. Then I realised that I did’nt have enough bucks
with me! I had to ask my girlfriend to borrow me R50. She was like so
dissappointed with me. It was a complete disaster!

1 Identify THREE spelling errors and write out the words correctly.            (3)
2 The underlined words are slang. Suggest more acceptable words or
phrases to replace them.                                                                                (3)
3 Rewrite “Me and my girlfriend” correctly.                                                  (1)
4 Rewrite “I had to ask my girlfriend to borrow me R50” correctly.             (1) 
5 Rewrite the word “did’nt” using the apostrophe correctly                         (1)

6 Which word should be omitted from this sentence: “She was like so
disappointed with me”?                                                                                  (1)

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